Wednesday, February 6, 2013

dinner with giovanni

Ashish and I had dinner with a visiting MD, Giovanni, tonight. We harassed him into eating with us because he is literally the first person we've ever met that's really living the international public health lifestyle. Giovanni is a cardiologist from Rome, Italy who 25 years ago, divorced his wife and went to London to study public health and tropical disease at Oxford. Afterwards he went on to join a swiss NGO, SoldarMed and has been traveling ever since. Places he has lived: Phillipines (6 years), Tibet (1-2 years), Somalia (1 year- worse place he lived), Cameroon, Cambodia... Sounds like his job is often to travel between local health centers/clinics on rotation and do consults/staff training. So in Cameroon, he spent 3 days at 9 clinics, to visit each clinic once a month. Also he got cerebral malaria there. And had leishmaniasis from a sand fly. His advice is that if you want to make $$$, work for UNICEF, UNAIDS, WHO etc..but if you want to feed your soul, work for an NGO.
On the drive back, I thought this was a good view of the two peaks to the hill we hiked

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