Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Children, everywhere!

On Monday, I went for a run near the cottage and 2 things happened:
1) I was not crazy out of breath like when I went for the same run the first week, which is awesome because I'm definitely hemo-concentrating!
2) I encountered a few kids, who decided to run with me on the way back. I was like the Pied Piper of Basotho children. People definitely stared and laughed, but it was cool. When they got back to Baylor I gave them a snack, which is why I think they came with me. It was super cute.

And today I asked Malealea (my awesome translator who emails me every morning to ask me how my night was and to assure me that we're going to have a great day) to take a few pictures with some of the patients aka cute babies. Little boys with tinea capitus just aren't quite as photogenic. 

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